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 Subcommands:  NONE

 Description:  Switches your screen display mode between ANSI
               graphics and non-graphics mode.  If you toggle ANSI
               Graphics on, you must be using a communication's program
               which supports standard ANSI (Esc) code graphics.  If
               you select graphics and get a lot of symbols such as
               "[01;49m" on your screen mixed in with the normal text
               display, your software does not support ANSI graphics
               and you should toggle Graphics off by re-entering the
               (M) command.

 Note:  The system will automatically detect if you have ANSI
 capability and your system supports the CURSOR POSITION REPORT sequence.
 However, you still must select whether or not you want the color graphics
 sent to you.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson